26th Febuary 2021
NHS blood taking service moves to York Stadium
From Monday 8 March the NHS blood taking service for York will be based at the city’s new York Community Stadium. It is the first in a range of NHS outpatient’s services that will move from York Hospital to the community setting.
The service, run by York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, offers both booked appointments and a drop in service weekly from Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm. Parking is free for two hours and the stadium can be easily reached on public transport.
Karen Cowley, Associate Chief Operating Officer for specialist medicine, orthopaedics, ophthalmology and outpatient services at the Trust, said: “It’s been an unpredictable year for the blood taking service, firstly moving out of the hospital to keep people safer, then to further locations to keep the service running throughout a pandemic. We are delighted to be moving into our permanent home which offers a better environment for patients.
“Visitors can expect the same staff and systems. There is a new waiting area where people will take numbered ticket and wait to be called and everyone is reminded to bring their blood forms with them.”
In the coming months the blood taking service will be followed by outpatients clinics for rheumatology, musculoskeletal, ophthalmology and sleep services.
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